ADSU International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Management

Utilization Of Business Information For Rural Entrepreneurial Development In Adamawa State


The study was conducted to find out about the utilization of Business information for rural entrepreneurial development in Adamawa State. The objectives were to identify the sources of business information, the
extent of use of business information, the reasons for using business information, the extent of satisfaction with business information and the extent to which business information has promoted rural
entrepreneurial development. The research instruments used were questionnaire and interview. Purposive and Kregcie and Morgan table technique were used to obtain the sample for the study. Three hundred
and eighty-four (384) subjects were used for the study. Data collected were presented in frequency tables and percentages. Analysis and discussions were made to each table and figure. Findings of this study
revealed that most rural entrepreneurs in Adamawa State rely on the customers and mobile telephone as their sources of information. Rural entrepreneurs use business information to improve their business
decision making while others indicated that they utilise business information to achieve business operation excellence. Respondents revealed that they are very satisfied with business information because
it has helped them in decision making, positively promoted their businesses and have enhanced their profit making. The study concluded that the rural entrepreneurs in Adamawa State require different types of business information to carry out their business activities. This was specifically observed in the areas of trading, marketing survey, price survey, investment opportunities, farming, livestock rearing etc which
are their main entrepreneurship. Based on these findings several recommendations were made which include utilisation of local languages by media houses to air business information, use of multimedia approaches like film shows, photographs, pictures, craft displays, audio-visual materials using local dialects, Local Government Authorities in Adamawa State should establish community tele-centres
in strategic places especially in rural public libraries and all government economic empowerment programmes such as microfinance schemes, poverty reduction programmes, small and mediumscale enterprises, loan facilities grant schemes etc should be repackaged and disseminated in local dialects to achieve maximum satisfaction by the users.