ADSU International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Management

Effects of Poverty on Voting Behaviour in The 2023 Gubernatorial Election of Adamawa State


This study is on the effect of poverty on people’s ability to vote in the Adamawa State 2023 governor’s race. In democratic systems, political participation is crucial, yet socioeconomic variables frequently cast doubt on voters’ moral and legal conduct during valid elections. The study uses a mixed-methods approach that includes survey procedures carried out with structured questionnaires along with the examination of pre-existing data sources. The study utilized probability sampling to create a representative sample and statistical techniques where specifically, regression analysis was applied to assess the correlations between political engagement and poverty. The regression analysis revealed that poverty has a statistically significant effect on voting behavior, with a coefficient of 0.058. This means that as poverty increases, voting behavior scores increase slightly. However, the result indicates that, poverty significantly affects political participation; most respondents agreed that voter socioeconomic status affects election outcomes and that poverty has a negative impact on voter turnout and indeed influence on vote.