ADSU International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Management

Comparative Analysis Of The Effects Of Political Interference On The Appointments Of Heads Of Colleges In Adamawa State


Effect of Political Interference on the Administration of Colleges in Adamawa State: A Comparative Analysis of Adamawa State College of Education, Hong and College of Agriculture Ganye. A descriptive survey design to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current situation was employed. A stratified random sampling technique ensured representation from various colleges, encompassing a population of 6680 individuals. Structured questionnaires were employed to gather data on appointment processes. Quantitative data analysis utilized statistical tools, with descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and mean scores. The study’s findings highlight the need for reforms in appointment processes, emphasizing transparency, merit-based criteria, and minimizing political influence. Recommendations include depoliticizing appointments, enhancing fairness, and implementing anti nepotism policies. These reforms aim to improve institutional autonomy and educational quality in Adamawa State’s colleges. The study’s significance lies in its potential to guide policymakers, educators, and researchers in making informed decisions to enhance college administration.