The study aims at assessing economic implication of insecurity on education and agricultural production in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Data is collected through a close ended questionnaire and administered to 335 school heads, and 200 farmers in the local government areas. The data collected were analyzed using frequency tables and chi-square. The result of the study reveals that there is a significant economic implication of insecurity on education in Zamfara state. The result of the study further indicates a rejection of the null hypothesis at P<0.000 levels, implied that there is significant economic influence of insecurity on agricultural production in Zamfara state. Therefore, based on the findings, the study recommends that government should put more efforts in reducing the rate of insecurity in the state and Nigeria at large through the rule of law principles. The study further recommends that, government should try and bring the rate of corruption to a minimum level to reduce the rate of insecurity and achieve sustainable development in educational systems and agricultural production.