The article examined Climate change Synthesis and the Healthy Attitude Resilience in Gombe State Nigeria. Resilience was defined as a process, ability, or outcome of successful adaption to the environment, despite dangerous or adverse conditions. Everyone will face adversity at some point and resilience is a significant factor in wellbeing, while climate change synthesises summarised the state of knowledge of climate change, its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The qualitative methodology through four steps: collection, descriptive analysis, selection of categories, and evaluation of the material was adopted. This type of review used methods that can be replicated to identify, select, and evaluate papers in the literature on the subject of research studied. Three proxies such as, positive healthy attitudes, adaptations to food security, regulations of negative energy among the women etc, were purposively selected as the decomposed dependent variable of the study. The theory of Solar variability was adapted as the a priori theoretical connections used to explicitly explain the notion of climate change synthesis vis-à-vis healthy resilience among the inhabitant of Gombe. SPSS method and chi-square mathematic computation was employed in the data analysis. The study major findings were that healthy attitude in Gombe state Nigeria exerted positive influence on climate change synthesis and thus, recommendations was deduced for the policymakers to pay more attention to improving mitigation measures in order to reduce the enormous doom accruing to climate change The study suggested that future studies should classify countries according to their climate change adaptations