ADSU International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Management

An Assessment Of Boko Haram Guerrilla Style Of Hit And Run Attack And Its Effects On Contemporary Socio Economic Development Of North East Nigeria


The paper assesses Boko-Haram guerrilla style of hit and run attack and its effects on contemporary socio economic development of North-East Nigeria. The rise of Boko Haram has introduced an unfamiliar element of guerrilla warfare into the criminal dynamics of North East Nigeria. This group has perpetrated numerous bombings and kidnappings of innocent civilians. The objectives of the study are to examine the causes Boko Haram guerrilla style of hit and run insurgency North-East, to assess the impact of Boko Haram guerrilla style of hit and run insurgency on socioeconomic activities in North-East, and to suggest alternative measures to remediate the impact of Boko Haram guerrilla style of hit and run in North-East, Nigeria. The study adopts Marxist conflict theory and related literature are reviewed. The study used primary data and quantitative survey is adopted. Descriptive statistics and Chi-square analysis is used to analysed the data collected through questionnaire. The study discovered that Boko-Haram guerrilla style of hit and run attack in North-East Nigeria, destroyed health care service, there is lack of willingness and access to education in some communities in North-East, Nigeria, BokoHaram guerrilla attack in North East destroy basic utilities such as electricity supply, water and sanitation service in North-East, Nigeria and Boko-Haram guerrilla attack destabilise transportation service such as public transportation facilities and road infrastructure. The study recommends government and non-governmental organisations should intervene and rehabilitate the destroyed and dilapidated health facilities in North-East, Nigeria, there should be massive reorientation and encouragements for youth to go back to school. Government and private individuals should provide scholarship grant to youths in North-East, Nigeria, government should reconnect national grid destroyed by BokoHaram in other to boost economic activities in North-East, Nigeria. And adequate security should be provided on the road in other to minimise Boko-Haram hijack of travellers plying roads in North-East, Nigeria.